Toddlerhood can be a challenging time for both parents and kids. Understanding more about toddler development can help guide you through this period with insight into your child and hopefully a bit more patience.
Toddler Social-Emotional Development
Understanding the social-emotional development of your toddler can help you as a parent greatly. Knowing what your toddler is capable of comprehending from an emotional perspective and what areas still need developing can allow you to have age-appropriate expectations for their behavior.
For example, knowing that your 2-year-old has very limited ability to understand others’ feelings helps you understand why she doesn’t share her toys well yet. By understanding how toddlers’ emotional world works, makes your parenting decisions a bit easier.
Why the Moral Development of Toddlers Matters for All of Us
Toddlers Have Big Emotions. Insight from Research on How to Respond
Toys for Emotional Development: Gifts that Keep Giving
Fun and Effective Executive Functioning Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Research-Backed Ways to Thrive Through the Toddler Years
Toddler Physical Development
Toddlers are developing at a rapid rate physically. Almost every month something new is developing and changing. As a parent, understanding and knowing what to expect of your toddler’s physical growth can help you support their development.
Finding Meaning in the Mayhem: How to Spot (and Survive) a Toddler Growth Spurt
The Key to Making Sense of Your Child’s Crankiness: Understanding Toddler Growth Spurts

Toddler Language Development
Many parents worry about their toddler’s language development. Is their language development on track? Do they know enough words? How I can foster their language development? It’s helpful to know what to expect with a toddler’s language learning so you know how to support it.
Toddlers Really Do Have Their Own Language
Self-Regulation in Toddlers: Why Language Matters More for Boys
Common Toddler Challenges
The toddler years are full of new adventures and learning, but also a fair share of challenges for parents. Learning how to manage your toddler’s screen time, playtime and tantrums are just a few of the big issues that toddler parents often face.
In our high-tech era, understanding the effects of screen time on toddlers is one of parents’ important tasks. Parenting toddlers in today’s world means developing a plan for how to manage their screen time.
What You Need to Know about Screen Time for Toddlers {plus a FREE printable chart}
Research Meets Real Life: Proven Ways to Manage Toddler Screen Time
Play Time
Play is the engine of learning in early childhood. Although there is a push in recent decades to make childhood more “enriched” and scheduled, free play still helps promote children’s development better than anything else.
Toddler Toys that Will Boost Children’s Development
The Developmental Benefits of Dress-Up Play
Why Guided Play is the Secret to Playtime with Your Kids
End the Gift-Giving Regret: Tips for Choosing Age-Appropriate (and Fun) Toys
The Most Underrated Toy in Your Child’s Toy Box
Tantrums and Self-Regulation
Tantrums are a hallmark of the toddler years, but they are challenging for parents (and kids). All toddler parents struggle with how to handle tantrums and these resources can help you understand how to foster emotional regulation in your kids.
One Research-Backed Way to Diminish Toddler Tantrums
Is This Normal? When to Worry About Toddler Tantrums
Children’s Emotional Outbursts: Tips for Handling Them with Calm
The Scientific Reason Why Toddlers Whine (and how to lessen it)
Create a calming corner
Toddler Schedules
While there is no one perfect schedule for toddlers, a routine is important to help kids know what to expect and provide stability. These resources offer ideas for setting up a daily routine.
What Research Says is the Best Stay-at-Home Mom Schedule for Kids {and moms too!}
Daily Life with a Toddler
Getting through daily life and chores with a toddler in tow offers its own type of challenge. These articles provide insights into how to help toddlers cooperate while still fostering their independence.
Discover the Best Way to Foster Cooperation in Your Toddler
Research-Backed Real-Life Strategies to Discipline Toddlers Without Yelling
The Parenting Hack We All Know (but here’s how to use it more effectively)
Toddlerhood often has a bad reputation among parents as one of those “awful” phases of development. However, if you go into the toddler phase armed with knowledge and a big dose of patience, you can see the beauty of your child developing in this stage.
Would you like 1:1 guidance through the toddler years? Parent coaching is now available! Using the walkie-talkie app Voxer, you can receive on-demand support from The Thoughtful Parent (on your schedule!). No worries about scheduling around naptimes or work schedules.
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