Do You Feel…
- lost in a sea of parenting choices and decisions?
- that the parenting decisions you feel with your heart are not supported in the society around you?
- that you want to raise a child with strong emotional skills but feel the rest of the world is telling you to “toughen up” your child?

I’ve felt all these emotions too, but I also know that you have access to everything you need to raise a caring, empathetic child. You may just need a little guidance to uncover your parenting confidence.
“Thank you for such an insightful blog entry that gives a really valuable glimpse into child development.”
“I don’t know when you peeked into my brain and wrote this, but it is spot on for me.”
Imagine feeling empowered to make parenting decisions based on real science, not societal pressure. Think about how confident you will feel when you have the knowledge and strategies to meet your child’s needs. Imagine looking at your children and knowing that they are developing a kind, empathetic spirit that will serve the world in a positive way.
This approach to parenting is possible. Reading child development research doesn’t mean you stop leading with your heart. This is why I created The Thoughtful Parent: to help parents have the knowledge to parent confidently from the heart.

Join our community of parents and you’ll learn strategies for combining knowledge and intuition to confidently nurture your child’s emotional development.
Hi, I’m Amy
Before I became a mother, I really thought I knew how to be one. I had learned all about parenting in grad school, but when my babies arrived, I felt overwhelmed. In a sea of parenting choices, I felt unsure of myself and my parenting abilities.
Over time, however, I gained clarity. I listened and watched my children. I really observed them and began to tap into what was missing all along: my innate intuition. I began to see that although I had the knowledge, what I was lacking was insight. I began to realize that book knowledge can only take us so far in parenting; it must be combined with intuition. I began to see parenting in a new light. Parenting isn’t about producing a child— it’s about nurturing a child.

A few tidbits about me:
- I am a scholar, a research nerd, and a writer, but mostly I’m a wife and mom of two rambunctious boys. Like many of you, I’m trying to raise my children into adults who care for others, listen to their inner voice, and use their gifts in a meaningful way in the world.
- I have a Doctorate in Human Development and Family Sciences (but you don’t have to call me Dr. Amy ?
- I’m a member of a family of National Park geeks (we visit one almost every summer)
- I’m an introvert (so seeing my picture here gives me heart palpitations)
- I believe kindness and empathy can be intentionally fostered in our kids and that is one of the best gifts we can give them.
- I believe the value of child development research is not in telling us what is “right” or “wrong” with our parenting, but in helping us to see our children with a new lens.

With this blog, I want to help you have a new lens with which to see your child: a lens of knowledge, a lens of hope. A lens that helps you find the right lighting in which your child can shine.
Each child has the potential to do wonderfully meaningful things with their life…things that only YOUR CHILD can do.
Tender Beginnings
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