Parenting with Research, Insight, and Love
Parenting with confidence comes from knowledge. Parenting with grace comes from insight.
Play-Based Learning
Toddler Development

I’m a wife, mom of two boys and a child development writer. I may have a Ph.D, but I believe the value of child development research is not in telling us what is “right” or “wrong” with our parenting, but in helping us to see our children with a new lens.
If you are looking for strategies to support your child’s development using research combined with your own innate intuition, this is the place for you.
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What Parents Need to Know About Digital Safety for Kids
Digital safety, especially for kids, is top of mind for many parents these days. Even if your child or teen doesn’t have their own device yet, they likely spent time online, either watching videos, playing games or researching for school projects. As fast as technology is changing and the emergence of AI, it can be …
The Revealing Reason Why Kids Love Video Games
Sneak peek: Parents often ask why are video games addicting to kids? Research gives us some surprising answers about why kids like video games. I’m kind of embarrassed to admit this, but my 6-year-old is known as the “pinball king” in our house. From the time he learned that arcade and video games existed, he …
What Research Says is the Best Stay-at-Home Mom Schedule for Kids {and moms too!}
Peek inside: Being a stay-at-home mom with a toddler has its ups and downs. Learn how to establish a stay at home mom schedule for toddlers that works for you and your child. I sat at the bottom of the basement stairs crying. My husband ran out of his home office, wondering what was going …
Research Reveals the Real Reason Why You’re Losing Your Temper with Your Toddler
Sneak peek: Losing patience with your toddler is not something most of us would hold up as our best parenting moment, but it happens. Research offers us some insight into the underlying reason why it’s hard to keep your cool. As most parents know, feeling some degree of fatigue on a daily basis is an …
7 Reasons to Ditch Elf on the Shelf {and an alternative tradition we love}
Sneak peek: Looking for an alternative to Elf on the Shelf? A few reasons to consider looking for a more thoughtful holiday tradition. When my older son was in about 2nd grade, he came home one day after Thanksgiving with news that “all” his friends had elves that “come alive” at night. The underlying question, …
The {Reverse} Winter Bucket List that Helps Your Kids Focus on Gratitude
Sneak peek: Winter bucket lists abound this time of year, but what about activities to teach contentment to kids, instead of unrealistic expectations. It’s snow season! Winter bucket lists are around every corner. They promise to offer us the chance at wonderful memories and outings. This year is different, however. With the pandemic still raging, …