Sneak peek: Our parenting journey often involves a lot of questions about how to make the best decisions for our children. These are some of the best child psychology blogs I’ve found to help discover research-based insights.
When most of us started on our parenting journey, we had no idea how much we would rely upon child psychology blogs to inform and inspire us.
For many of us, child psychology blogs, parenting blogs, and other online resources guide us through the ups and downs of parenting as much as physical books. I’ve rounded up some of my favorite blogs to share as a resource for those of us who strive to make informed, intentional parenting decisions.
Although opinions from friends and family can be helpful in making parenting decisions, it’s equally helpful to turn to the research that is presented in these blogs. While opinions can pull us in many different directions, good quality child psychology research can inform us in an objective way that opinions cannot provide.
Related post: How Understanding Child Development Research Makes Us Better Parents
These blogs provide insight from research in helpful, easy-to-read articles. I consider many of these bloggers to be my online friends and resources I often turn to as well.
50 Best Child Psychology Blogs to Enlighten and Inform
- Nurture and Thrive
- Institute of Child Psychology
- The Mom Psychologist
- The Art and Science of Mom
- Imperfect Families
- Child in Mind, Claudia M. Gold
- The Neuroscience of Parenting, Erin Clabaugh
- AT Parenting Survival
- Extremely Good Parenting
- Tools of Growth
- Self-Reg
- Mellownest
- Imperfect Families
- Parents with Confidence
- A Fine Parent
- Thriving Parents
- Peaceful Parenting with Sarah Rosensweet
- Aha Parenting
- Childproof Parenting
- Debbie Zeichner, Parent Coach
- Alison Smith Parenting Coaching
- Elevating Childcare with Janet Lansbury
- Michele Borba
- Regarding Baby
- Respectful Parent
- Raised Good
- Not Just Cute
- Effective Mommy
- Science of Mom
- Mom Enough
- Lemon Lime Adventures
- Parenting From the Heart
- Hand in Hand Parenting
- Tilt Parenting
- Self-Sufficient Kids
- Lerner Child Development
- Curious Neuron
- Zero to Three
- Child Mind Institute
- Authentic Parenting
- Family Education
- The BabyShrink
- Parenting for Brain
- Nurtured Neurons
- Dr. Lynne Kenney
- Hey Sigmund
- Effective Mommy
- Parenting Translator
- Dr. Vanessa Lapointe
- Dr. Lisa Damour
I hope these blogs will serve as wonderful resources for you, as they have for me.
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child psychologist
I was in search of resources child psychologist . Here at your blog my search has been completed . Thanks buddy!
Grid Mom
I recently started researching information on child development for my site, and was delighted to find this collection. I'll be back frequently.
Institute of Child Psychology
Thank you for sharing your expertise as a psychologist for children. Your insights on child behavior and development are very valuable and can help many parents better understand and support their children. Keep up the great work!
Amy Webb, Ph.D.
Thanks for the kind comment. I love your work and I can’t believe I left you off this list! I’ve just added you to this list. I follow you on IG and love your posts.