I’m not usually one to participate in blog parties, but I have a certain fondness in my heart for 5 Minutes for Mom’s Ultimate Blog Party. This is one of the first blog events I participated in and it was a great way to find fellow bloggers that I still enjoy reading today. If you are a blogger, I encourage you to participate and check out all the wonderful blogs.
Now, on to the introductions: I’m a wife and stay-at-home mom to a wonderful almost 2-year-old boy. Prior to my mommy life, I studied Human Development and Family Sciences and graduated with my PhD in 2008. During grad school, I realized how little of the important academic research on child development and parenting actually reached the hands of the people who need it–parents! The goal with my blog is to “translate” some of this great research into a parent-friendly, easy to read format. I don’t claim to be a parenting “expert.” I’m learning as I go, just like everyone else, but I do think knowing the latest research is helpful.
Please check out my posts and let me know if you have suggestions for topics you’d like me to discuss. Thanks for visiting!
Hello! Love your blog and will Facebook and Twitter you as soon as I hit submit button. Find me at http://www.way2goodlife.com
P.S. Also if you can find a minute and vote for me as elenka29 here http://www.mamavation.com/2011/03/vote-for-mamavation-mom-3.html
(it's a competition to get into fitness bootcamp for moms. There is no registration – just click and submit). Looking forward to reading more of your posts
Maria and Michelle
It looks like you've got some great information here looking back through your archive! I'll be looking around some more as I can always use new information as a parent 🙂
Just came by from UBP11 ~ Stop by our blog when you have a moment!
Michelle @ FTSN
From one Amy to another – Happy UBP!
Hope you are having as much fun as I am! hop on over when you have some time!
Still Blonde after all these YEARS
UBP2010 was my first blog hop as well. I have a special place in my heart as well for these crazy sisters!
Stopping in from UBP! Please come and visit my post too! We have a big $208 Giveaway. Love for you to enter and to get to know our blog!
The Chief Blonde
Still Blonde after all these YEARS
I'm visiting from UBP, and I'm really intrigued by your site description. I'm now following your blog.
Megan @ Purple Dancing Dahlias
Hi! Stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Hopping Party 2011. Breastfeeding, Cding, baby wearing, home schooling, holistic mama of 4! Please come and visit my post http://purpledancingdahlias.blogspot.com/2011/04/2011-ultimate-blog-party.html. Following you, can’t wait to read more of your blog!
I am so happy to have found your blog. I am stopping in from the Ultimate Blog Party and this is my very first year participating and this is SO VERY exciting!! LOL
Anyhow…please stop by my blogs and follow whenever you get the opportunity:
So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at http://sostylilized.blogspot.com/2011/04/ultimate-blog-party.html
And…Jessica Lil Corner is where I am blogging about family and life at http://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com/2011/04/ultimate-blog-party.html
I welcome your visit at either or both of my blogs and hope to have you stop by and follow really soon!!
Have a very blessed day!! :0)
Just found you from Twitter. Your website looks like a wonderful source of info. 🙂
Hi there! I am following you from the UBP11:-) So great to meet you!
kids events in Atlanta
it is really a great step from you. i also feel sometimes that the proper research and guideline for a mother are not available everywhere. i hope, your blog will be able to help mothers about parenting. all the best!