Every once in awhile I like to share great parenting resources that I have recently found. Given my child development background (and because I’m sort of nerdy), I’m always on the lookout for good, insightful parenting information. Here are some of my most recent finds:
– Parenting with Reason by Esther Strahan, Wallace Dixon, Jr., and J. Burton Banks–I’ve only read a few chapters of this books but I can already tell it’s going to be good. They succinctly summarize the child development research on a variety of topics like potty training, discipline, sleeping, and family structure. This is a good starting point if you are looking into a new topic.
-Babble.com’s column Science of Kids by Heather Turgeon–Heather is a writer after my own heart. Like me, she tries to keep parents updated on the latest child development research.
–Notes on Parenting–Ok, this link is a little self-serving since I am a contributer to this blog, but really has great articles. The authors are primarily grad students or recent PhD in fields like child development, psychology, and education.
–Regarding Baby by Lisa Sunbury–Lisa is an early childhood professional who provides great information about parenting in the early years.
–Baby Shrink–Dr. Heather is a psychologist and mother of four who writes from both a research and mom perspective. A great combination!
–University of Waterloo Centre for Child Studies—I recently found their director, Daniela O’Neill on Twitter and I’m so glad I did. She leads up research on children’s language and thought development. Even parents less nerdy than me will find the links and resources on their website interesting.
–Center for Media and Child Health–If you have any concerns about the role that media plays in your child’s life, this is the organization for you. Their feature called “Ask the Mediatrician” is particularly helpful.
If you have parenting resources that you enjoy, please let me know!
PenPoint Editorial Services
Just stumbled upon this website and I'm loving it.
Thanks for the researched advice, I'll be recommending your site to my clients.
Best wishes.
PenPoint Editorial Services
Really your site should be on this list too! You present a wonderful research-based perspective. 🙂