I was just finishing up the previous post when I came across this excellent podcast on infant-parent attachment. This is from a wonderful series called “Good Enough Moms.” The hosts are a mother-daughter duo who discuss all things parenting and child development-related. One of the hosts, Marti Erikson has a PhD and is a professor/researcher who specializes in attachment theory. Her daughter Erin has a background in Public Health and is a mom with 2 young kids at home so she has a lot of real-world questions.
The podcast on infant-parent attachment is great and explains many of the basic concepts of attachment and how it develops. They also discuss the distinction between attachment theory and attachment parenting. All of this, by chance, fits perfectly with my previous post.
Stacey Keller Thompson
Cool Amy, I'll try to check it out. If you enjoy mom podcasts, you might enjoy babiesandmomsradio.com (sister show: the mompodcast). Three other moms and I have been hosting this for about 3 years now. We cover every thing you can think of for babies 0-3 and now we are expanding to older ages as well. We host many experts who share great info. with us as we all have many questions. Between the four of us we have 20 children from 0-17. So, we have lots of real-world questions too. If you go to the website you can find a link there to the show, but all the back show are available on itunes. Thanks for all you're doing!