Temperament Quiz October 10, 2020 by Amy Webb, Ph.D. 2 Comments Welcome to the Temperament Quiz This quick quiz provides insight into your child's temperament based on a few basic factors. It is not designed to be used for research or diagnostic purposes. You ask your child to stop playing their favorite activity because you need to get ready to go out to run an errand. How does your child respond? Your child finishes playing and goes to get their shoes on Your child starts yelling and having an emotional outburst because they don't want to stop playing Your child complains briefly then goes to get ready None What is your child's activity level? Constantly moving and likes anything involving movement like sports or active pursuits. Can sit still when necessary (e.g., dinner, waiting rooms, etc.) but enjoys active hobbies. Prefers less active hobbies like reading or crafts. None Your child is starting at a new school. How does she/he approach this situation? With excitement and enthusiasm. She/he is not worried much at all. With cautious optimism. She/he has some concerns but is excited to try something new. Fearful and cautious. She/he has a lot of worries about this new situation None You are helping your child establish a new habit (e.g., reading each night or putting dirty clothes in the hamper). How difficult is it for your child to remember and stick with this new habit Not very difficult. My child responds well to routine and habits. It takes some practice, but after a few days the new habit is well in place. Very difficult. My child does not like routines and has a hard time sticking with habits. None Please enter your email to receive results. You will be added to The Thoughtful Parent email list and receive valuable parenting resources (unsubscribe at any time...but I don't think you'll want to!) Time's up
Amy Webb September 17, 2021 at 3:21 pm You should have received an email with more info. Here’s the link to the page that describes more: https://thoughtfulparent.com/temperament-child-development.html Reply
What does intense/ excitable temperament mean?
Amy Webb
You should have received an email with more info. Here’s the link to the page that describes more: https://thoughtfulparent.com/temperament-child-development.html