Remember when you first brought your baby home? If you’re like me, you suddenly found yourself Googling everything about baby development.
What should my baby be doing at this age?
Am I doing everything I can to support her development?
Is she developing in a typical way?
Even though my background is in child development, the nerves and sleep deprivation of early parenthood left me with a foggy brain and dizzy with questions. All the parenting books and websites usually get have the standard developmental milestones covered: rolling over, walking, first words, etc.
As a developmentalist, I began to notice that the smaller, more subtle milestones are often overlooked in the parenting books. Like, remember the first time your child was able to hug you back when you hugged him? Or the first time she blew “raspberries” in such a silly way that you broke into laughter?
These overlooked milestones may not make it into the parenting books, but they mean the world to you. So I’ve compiled a must-have list of often-overlooked child development milestones to help you savor a few more aspects of your child’s development. These are often not apparent to some parents unless you know what to look for.
Sign up below to receive your cheat sheet and don’t miss out on these “hidden” milestones: